How to Get Organized with Plastic Storage Bins

How to Get Organized with Plastic Storage Bins


Organizing with plastic storage bins can be a game-changer for decluttering your home, garage, office, or workshop. They are versatile and durable and come in various sizes and styles. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to get organized using plastic storage bins:


Assess Your Needs:
♦  Inventory: Before buying bins, stock what you need to store. This will help you determine the size and number of bins you need.
♦  Space Measurement: Measure the spaces where you plan to keep the bins (shelves, closets, under the bed, etc.) to ensure they fit.



Choose the Right Bins:
♦  Transparent vs. Opaque: Transparent bins allow you to see the contents without opening them, which can be helpful for frequently accessed items. Opaque bins are ideal for long-term storage or for items you don’t want to be visible.
♦  Size: Choose a size appropriate for the items you're storing. It's often better to use multiple smaller bins than one large one so items are easier to access.
♦  Lids: Ensure lids are secure, especially if you plan to stack bins. Some bins have snap-on lids, while others have latch systems.

Categorize Your Items:
♦  Similar Items Together: Store like items together, e.g., all holiday decorations in one bin or all craft supplies in another.
♦  Frequency of Use: Items used frequently should be stored in easily accessible locations, while rarely used items can be stored higher up or in harder-to-reach places.

Label Everything:
♦  Detail is Key: Instead of just writing "Tools," consider "Screwdrivers" or "Paint Brushes." This specificity makes it easier to find items later.
♦  Use a Permanent Marker: If you don’t have a label maker, a permanent marker works well on most plastic bins.
♦  Position Labels: Place them where they can be easily seen, such as the front and one side.

Create a System:
♦  Consistency: Always return items to their designated bins.
♦  Accessibility: Store frequently accessed bins at the waist or eye level and less frequently accessed bins at the top or bottom.
♦  Stacking: If you stack bins, ensure heavier containers are at the bottom.

Opt for Specialized Bins for Specific Needs:
♦  Drawers: Some bins come with drawers, great for organizing smaller items like screws, nails, or craft supplies.
♦  Dividers: Bins with dividers can help separate different types of items within the same bin.

Maintain the System:
♦  Regularly Re-evaluate: Over time, your storage needs may change. Periodically, go through your bins to declutter and reorganize as necessary.
♦  Avoid Overfilling: Bins that are too full become difficult to close and can become disorganized quickly.
♦  Integrate with Other Systems:
♦  If you use shelving, make sure your bins fit comfortably on the shelves and that the labels are visible when they are stored.

♦  Weight: Don't make bins too heavy to lift comfortably.
♦  Chemicals: If storing chemicals or anything potentially hazardous, ensure they are well-sealed and out of reach of children and pets.




Remember, the key to using plastic storage bins effectively is to have a system that's easy to maintain. The more intuitive and consistent your system makes it easier to keep everything organized.


Note: Always follow the manufacturer's instructions and safety guidelines when using this product. Following the manufacturer's guidelines is generally a good idea when using any product or equipment. Still, it's also essential to use your judgment and seek expert advice when necessary.  Specifications are subject to change without notice.