Bayhead Tilt Trucks

Bayhead Tilt Trucks

Bayhead offers a versatile range of tilt trucks in 19 styles and six sizes, catering to diverse needs. Our lineup includes compact models in 1/3, 5/8, and 1.1 cubic yard sizes, and larger variants in 1.7, 2.2, and 3.0 cubic yard sizes. The trucks feature seamless, heavy-duty bodies made from polyethylene, ensuring they will not dent, chip, corrode, or absorb moisture. Except for the smallest model (1/3 CU-L), all bodies are mounted on an all-welded steel chassis, enhancing their durability. We equip our trucks with high-quality wheels and casters for reliable service and easy maneuverability. Additionally, the inset wheels allow the units to nest together, reducing shipping and storage costs and minimizing the risk of damaging walls and door frames during movement. The truck bodies are available in eight standard colors—gray, blue, red, green, yellow, orange, black, and natural—at no additional charge. Custom colors and FDA-approved options are also available for an extra fee. Stainless steel frames can be provided as an upgrade.

Click on Model Number for More Information

Model Number Capacity / Yards Size: L x W x H Caster Type Price Buy Now
275 pounds / 1/3
48" L x 26" W x 30" H
(2) 8" x 2" & (1) 4"
1,200 pounds / 1/3
48" L x 26" W x 31.5" H
(2) 10" x 2" & (2) 4"
600 pounds / 5/8
55.5" L x 26.5" W x 36" H
(2) 8" x 2" & (2) 3"
2,500 pounds / 2.2
74" L x 51" W x 53.5" H
(2) 12" x 2" & (2) 6"
1,000 pounds / 5/8
55.5" L x 26.5" W x 37.5" H
(2) 10" x 2" & (2) 4"
1,500 pounds / 5/8
55.5" L x 26.5" W x 37.5" H
(2) 10" x 2" & (2) 4"
900 pounds / 1.1
69" L x 31.5" W x 39.5" H
(2) 10" x 2" & (2) 4"
1,400 pounds / 1.1
69" L x 31.5" W x 39.5" H
(2) 10" x 2" & (2) 4"
2,100 pounds / 1.1
69" L x 31.5" W x 41.5" H
(2) 12" x 2" & (2) 6"
1,700 pounds / 1.7
74" L x 40" W x 50.5" H
(2) 12" x 2" & (2) 6"
2,200 pounds / 1.7
74" L x 40" W x 53.5" H
(2) 12" x 2" & (2) 6"
2,000 pounds / 2.2
74" L x 51" W x 53.5" H
(2) 12" x 2" & (2) 6"
2,500 pounds / 3.0
81" L x 56" W x 56" H
(2) 12" x 2" & (2) 6"
2,800 pounds/ 3.0
81" L x 56" W x 56" H
(2) 12" x 2" & (2) 6"