Strong-Hold Outdoor Storage Cabinet

Strong-Hold Outdoor Storage Cabinet


Strong-Hold Outdoor Storage Cabinet has the ruggedness of our standard cabinet and the weather-resistant qualities needed for long-term outdoor usage. It has the same construction as our standard floor model unit, except this cabinet has a sloped top, a gasket-sealed doorframe, and a rain guard. The team is powder coated in silver.  Shelf Capacity:  Up to 1,900 pounds.

Click on Model Number for More Information

Model Number Size: L x D x H Shelves Capacity Price Buy Now
36" x 24" x 73-3/4" (79-3/4" OAH)
1,900 Pounds
48" x 24" x 73-3/4" (79-3/4" OAH)
1,200 Pounds
60" x 24" x 73-3/4" (79-3/4" OAH)
1,650 Pounds
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